Why Did I Start a Blog?

The primary reason I started this blog was to get ideas out of my head and into the world. In my head I have solved many of the world’s problems (or so I think), but rarely do these ideas go anywhere. Instead I spend seemingly endless hours obsessing over these ideas as I repeatedly revisit and refine them. At times I have taken to writing or typing out some of these thoughts, but I have never been very disciplined with it. I’m hoping this blog will provide an outlet for these ideas and provide a more structured way to work through them. And if that’s all this ends up being, a collection of my random thoughts that no one else ever reads, that’s ok. Of course I’d much prefer if others did read and comment on my work. Ideally others will learn from my insights and engage in discussion on these topics so I too can learn.

I also want to use this blog to develop new skills. Creating and maintaining this blog will force me to develop web design skills and improve my writing skills. Additionally, I hope to learn about the specify topics I post on as I get feedback. While I put a lot of effort into educating myself on most issues, there is always something that can be learned by listening to the perspective of others. 

The reason I started now was I had a crazy idea about the election I wanted to share, and time was running out. Despite this election-focused start, I don’t plan to write exclusively about politics. I plan to write about a diverse range of topics. I recently published an ‘About Me’ page which should give you some indication of the topics I plan to cover in the future. Hopefully, as I get a little more proficient I can increase the frequency of my posts as well. 

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