
Rethinking the Value of a Museum Membership

Museum and zoo memberships offer pretty good value if you visit frequently and many have reciprocal agreements with other museums across the country. But until recently I never really considered it a good option for me and my family. While we love taking the kids to children’s museums, science centers, and zoos, the few places…


Free National Parks and More

Free National Park access for fourth graders through the end of August 2021. The Every Kid Outdoors program gives fourth graders and their families free access to every National Park in the United States. And this year it has been extended to include fifth graders. Free admission covers the whole family – all children under…


My (Current) Thoughts On Allowance

As my oldest approached 8 years old, I started to consider the idea of giving him an allowance. I did some research and found a wide range of approaches, all with various advantages and disadvantages. Some recommend tying an allowance to completion of chores, while others recommend a fixed allowance. Most recommend an amount based…