
Who Needs Social Media?

Shortly after waking up on the morning of August 18 I checked my email and found three messages from Facebook. The first, from 2:37 am, contained the security code I had supposedly requested. The second, from 2:40 am, asked if tried to log in from somewhere new. And the third, from 2:44 am, let me…


Focusing on Process Instead of Goals

We all know how important goals are. It seems everyone has ideas on how to set goals, how to achieve goals, and how important goals are to your success. But sometimes setting goals just doesn’t seem to work. I find this happens most often in areas of improvement or optimization and especially when there isn’t…


Random Thoughts (Sports)

Due to a combination of distraction and procrastination, it’s been a while since my last a post. I had high hopes of producing a lot of content over the holidays, but that didn’t pan out. Between my parents visiting and spending time with the kids, I had less time than anticipated. And when I did…


Choose to be Thankful

This Thanksgiving try to remember we live in an amazing world; a world with opportunities unimaginable even a couple generations ago. Despite all the turmoil of 2020, we still have much to be thankful for. However, many of us choose not to see it and instead focus on the negative. I do not want to…


Why Did I Start a Blog?

The primary reason I started this blog was to get ideas out of my head and into the world. In my head I have solved many of the world’s problems (or so I think), but rarely do these ideas go anywhere. Instead I spend seemingly endless hours obsessing over these ideas as I repeatedly revisit…