I often wonder what people hope to achieve when they insult their political opponents. I’m not talking about politicians, I’m talking about regular people who insult other regular people because they hold a particular position or support a particular candidate. You’re not going to bring someone over to your side or convince them they are wrong by insulting them. They’re not likely to reconsider their position after you call them stupid or evil. What do you hope to gain by pursuing this tactic? You are just contributing to the divide and pushing people apart. People do not respond well when you insult them; they get defensive and fight to justify their position.
Instead of attacking, try sharing your opinion and stating your facts without judging the other side. Even when you find the opposing position inexcusable, try to understand why others hold this view. Try showing a little empathy and appreciating others don’t always have the same knowledge and experience as you. Most people hold beliefs which are rational given the information they have. It’s much more likely the root cause is ignorance or bias rather than stupidity or malice. If you seek to educate rather than insult, you may have more luck. And even if you don’t have success on a particular issue, you leave the door open for conversation and compromise in the future.